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Amnesty urges FIFA to release compensation review for Qatar World Cup migrant workers

2024-06-03 17:51:10 [politics] Source:Earth Essence news portal

FIFA came under pressure on Thursday to publish a long-awaited review into compensation for workers who helped to deliver the 2022 World Cup in Qatar.

Human rights group Amnesty International urged FIFA to make public the findings of an independent review it said was delivered five months ago.

Amnesty said hundreds of thousands of migrant workers “suffered grievously” while building state-of-the-art stadia and infrastructure, often in searing heat, to enable Qatar to host a World Cup that FIFA president Gianni Infantino described at the best in tournament history.

Last November, Amnesty urged Qatar and FIFA to do more for migrant workers, particularly in terms of compensation.

“This delay only prolongs the suffering of families who lost loved ones, and workers who were abused, while delivering FIFA’s flagship event,” Amnesty head of labor rights and sport Steve Cockburn said. “A commitment to remedying the abuses related to the last World Cup would be a vital step towards FIFA finally fulfilling its human rights responsibilities and could be life-changing for workers and their families.”

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