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Iran's leader condemns U.S. police's violence against pro

2024-06-03 01:43:18 [politics] Source:Earth Essence news portal

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei on Wednesday reaffirmed condemnation of U.S. support for Israel's "crimes" in the Gaza Strip while commenting on the U.S. police's violent behavior against pro-Palestinian protesters on college campuses.

He made the remarks in a meeting with a group of teachers and academics in the capital Tehran on the occasion of National Teachers' Day, according to a statement published on his website.

Khamenei said the U.S. behavior was indicative of its "partnership and complicity" with Israel in the latter's "horrific crimes and unforgivable sin."

He highlighted the Gaza conflict as "the world's first issue," urging for more global pressure on Israel to stop its offensive in the Palestinian enclave.

U.S. media reported Tuesday that over 1,000 pro-Palestinian protesters had been arrested in recent days as the anti-war demonstrations continued at more than 20 American universities.

The pro-Palestinian rallies have spread to other academic centers across the world, including Europe, demanding an end to Israel's attacks on Gaza.

Israel has launched a large-scale offensive against Hamas in Gaza since Oct. 7, 2023, after Hamas carried out a surprise attack on southern Israel that killed about 1,200 people. The current Palestinian-Israeli conflict has so far led to 34,568 deaths and 77,765 injuries, according to Gaza health authorities on Wednesday.

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