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Sanya optimizes processes of nucleic acid testing amid latest COVID

2024-06-03 19:55:50 [style] Source:Earth Essence news portal

Medical workers scan the codes of nucleic acid samples at a testing lab in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province, Aug. 14, 2022. Sanya has optimized the processes of nucleic acid testing amid the latest COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Yingquan)

A medical worker transports nucleic acid samples at a testing lab in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province, Aug. 14, 2022. Sanya has optimized the processes of nucleic acid testing amid the latest COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Yingquan)

Medical workers scan the codes of nucleic acid samples at a testing lab in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province, Aug. 14, 2022. Sanya has optimized the processes of nucleic acid testing amid the latest COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Yingquan)

Volunteers transport nucleic acid samples in Sanya, south China's Hainan Province, Aug. 14, 2022. Sanya has optimized the processes of nucleic acid testing amid the latest COVID-19 resurgence. (Xinhua/Zhao Yingquan)

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